Investing in 2024 for Gen Z and Millennials
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The key to making money is learning what others did before you so you can learn from their mistakes while implementing their best money strategies. While not all of us have millionaire family members who we can reach out to, we do have books! We compiled 7 personal finance books to help get you started.
The Financial Diet, initially an IG page with 632K followers, compressed all of the knowledge they’ve learned over the years into this one book. This book is best for gen-z because it breaks down all the financial parts that come with adulting. For example, they include easy and affordable recipes and a list of essential tools you’ll need for home repairs.
In less than 20 minutes Natalie provides simple and effective methods for money management. Including, how to form healthy money habits, save, and invest in your financial future.
She is a two times TEDx Speaker, International Award-winning author, bilingual podcast host of financially savvy in 20 minutes and Forbes Feature as a trailblazer of April 2020.
This new york times bestseller teaches you how to:
• crush your debt and student loans faster than you thought possible
• talk your way out of late fees (with word-for-word scripts)
• A set-it-and-forget-it investment strategy
• The exact words to use to negotiate a big raise at work
Read our full book summary here.
This classic book will help you shift your money mindset towards a financially abundant one. Without changing the way you view money, it will be difficult to reach the financial freedom you’re looking for. You can have the best strategies, but having a good relationship with money is what sets the very wealthy apart.
Read our full book summary here.
There are 11 million millionaires in the U.S and it is completely possible for you to become one too! The millionaire next door pulls the curtain back and shows you who the rich are in this country, what do they do, how they invest, and how they ultimately got rich.
Read how to retire a millionaire making under six-figures here.
If you’re ready to start building your investment portfolio we recommend reading this classic investment book. The book was praised by the investment king himself, warren buffet.
Warren Buffet made his billions investing in the stock market, so it’s no surprise that his book sold over 1 million copies. Learn from one of the most successful investors in the world— he will give you insight into his beliefs and the road he took to becoming one of the richest people on earth.
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